Friday, July 11, 2008

Photos on the Trail


Tersea L Farley said...

Thanks so much! It is so great to see the photos of the trail. I hope that we can connect with the shutterbugs to do some collective photo sharing, as I would love to have photos of the team working, playing and moving on the trail together. I am so excited and looking forward to hearing all of the stories. As the day gets closer my heart is filled with emotion about the stories to come.

Thanks again for the photos, they are special.
Teresa - Sacramento - Joe Belford's mom

Chulabelle said...

Sweet! I love the pictures. The one of the dusty ol' trail is really cool. Thanks for the good one my little buddy! Wow, I miss him. I can't wait to hear all the fun adventures and stories, as well. I hope the last day is fun!

Elaine Butler said...

Not all of the trail was dusty! As they discovered Thursday night, the west side of the mountains is definitely moister, even on a "dry" night. There will be pictures up soon of the crew at the Philip Foster Farm, putting up the log cabin and split rail fence. Watch the Farm website at
These kids were great square-dancers!

marcia vixie said...

Mr. Norton and I (Mr. Bill Vixie), arrived safely at our destination. Hope to ride the trails again with you all.
Mr. Bill Vixie