Sunday, July 6, 2008

Onward to Oregon

Our journey resumed today when we left camp en route to Oregon. Traveling by van and car caravan, we drove to Soda Springs, Idaho, in time to see the spring spout into the air. From there it was on west to Shoshone Falls, where we took another group photo with the spray of the falls boiling up behind everyone. We arrived at our camp at the Baker County Fairgrounds in late afternoon, changed from traveling clothes (shorts and flip flops) to trail clothes (long dresses, aprons and bonnets for the girls; pants and shirts for the boys). We drove to the National Historic Oregon Trail Center near Baker City where we were greeted by Sarah LeCompte, who had kept the area open late so we could do some filming. The wind was whipping across the top of the hill, reminding me of Wyoming. It was good for the students to experience the stiff breeze, but created some difficulties for our sound crew (Lincoln Morrison and Susan Bryant) so we filmed images but little sound, before headed back down to Baker City where Mr. Merchant and Mrs. Wragge made a fine meal of spaghetti with garlic bread.

--Candy Moulton

1 comment:

Quackgrass Sally said...

Thanks for a grand caravan day Gomez 'n Bob... you made the miles fly by to Oregon. Was delighted to see the kids again and to hear their delight at camping on "real grass" and having "real bathrooms". Mr. Merchant and Mrs. Wragge made some wonderful spegetti and the garlic bread tasted wonderful. Thanks to Floyd for always having his positive attitude & great smile. Thanks too to the Baker City Fairgrounds for letting us stay overnight...mules 'n all!
Happy trails.