Tuesday, July 1, 2008

July 1, 2008

Independence Rock

Through movie making magic July 1rst became the 4th of July for the film. Our travelers walked and rode to Independence Rock nearly a 12-mile journey from their camp at Horse creek. If travelers made it to here by the 4th they were likely to make it to the west before the first snows. Two of our travelers Jacob and Patrick walked the entire 12 miles and still had the energy to dance and sing that night as we celebrated the 4th. The travelers have changed tent mates with some interesting results.

-- Bob Noll


Chulabelle said...

Wow, this experience sounds incredible! Way to go on that hiking, Buddy {(Jakob)and Patrick }. I know how good you are on the trail! Why, back here in Colorado, I miss you this week as I hike alone. Happy 4th!

Unknown said...

Keep those photos coming! We check the blog several times a day (and have lots of friends and relatives checking, too!).

Love the photos! Please post more so we can share the experience.

MULL00 said...

I was reading the site aloud at work to my partner. When I turned around others had stopped listening intently, all were jealous of the kids having such a fantastic opportunity. Happy Fourth, we all miss you.