This morning we filmed at Foster Farm, placing an Oregon-California Trail marker with OCTA National Preservation Officer Dave Welch. Then we loaded the kids in the vans and they headed off to the Portland Airport. We gave the kids a trail marker as a souvenir. They have certainly earned the right to them, having lived on the trail for two weeks...two showers in all that time--the first a cold one in Montepelier and the second a hot one in a hotel in Oregon.
They are an awesome bunch of kids, I have fallen in love with all of them and will truly miss them. They BETTER stay in touch by e-mail, not only with each other, but with me.
Our work is not done, though, as we still have a lot to complete before this film is ready for airing.
But we have been Pursuing a Dream and along the way we rolled with the punches, hugged, cried, laughed, got dirty, cold, tired, wet, and sweaty. And we became a very close trail family.
Bob, you've been my rock all along the trip. I've cried on your shoulder. I know I've messed up at times (I will check directions better next time and I've learned several other important production lessons). At times I failed miserably in managing things. But we are here, the students are all safely on their way home, and other than being tired and tanned, I think we all are none the worse for the wear, and certainly the better for the chance to travel the trail and soak in its spirit and solace.
Watch the previous blog posts. As I get some more time, I will be adding details...and certainly a lot more photos. But now I have to drive home to Wyoming, traveling with Quackgrass until she splits north to her home in Montana, while Bob and Dan fly off to Boston, and Lincoln, dear, sweet, supportive Lincoln, heads to Burbank.
Eating trail dust with you, my friends, has been a joy and now we truly have merged our souls with the spirit of the trail.
--Candy Moulton