Sunday, June 22, 2008

Eight Days Until Launch

Quackgrass and I have a zillion details to work out. I was determined to sort through all my piles in my office, but at 2 a.m. decided I better hit the hay for a few hours and left it undone. I did get my bedroll out and hung it on the fence to "shake out the spiders" who might have found a home there since I used it last summer on the Overland Trail wagon train. Fortunately there really were no spiders, because I hate bugs!

Also washed bedrolls that some of the kids will use, and drove in to my little town of Encampment to make the arrangements with Doggett Greenhouse for some props we need. Mary and Gary donated a portion of them...thank you guys! Mary told me next time I plan something like this to keep her in mind, she'd love to go along as a chaperone....And she'd be a good one cuz I happen to know she's a great cook! Not that the cooks we have this year are anything less than great, mind you.

I'd be better prepared for this film shoot if I could get some of my other work out of the way...Let's see, before Tuesday I need to finish the layout for the OCTA News From the Plains, which I edit; finalize the proof on the Western Writers of America Roundup magazine, which I also edit, write two articles for True West magazine, one for Wild West magazine, and four columns for The Fence Post. There are clothes to wash, script elements to finish, plus doublechecking on all of our permissions and permits....better hop to it....after some zzzzs.


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