Monday, June 30, 2008

June 30, 2008

We have a couple hills to climb.

We found ourselves heading down the trail just west of Prospect Hill when we came to a steep swale. Two of our wagon drivers Mr. Vixie and Mr. Merchant disagreed as how to safely proceed. These disagreements have become somewhat predictable between them. It seems that Mr. Vixie is contemplating trying to take the wagon train to California, while Mr. Merchant is dead set on Oregon. It’s created a bit of tension with all the travelers. As to the hill Mr. Vixie proceeded on his own after dumping his pregnant wife’s clothing trunk and her as well to save on the weight. The travelers were suitably appalled. Lydia who was the wagon master for the day scolded Mr. Vixie. Mr. Merchant enlisted the help of all the travelers and they roped his wagon down the hill.

When the wagons made camp that night at Horse creek a typical Wyoming windstorm moved in and blew down the tents of the less experienced. They’ll put their stakes in better next time.

-- Bob Noll


Tersea L Farley said...

This sounds like a bit of a challenging day. Praises to the wagon master and the travelers who worked together to problem solve.

Happy Trails
Teresa (Joseph's Mom)

lexiconomist said...

Dave Vixie as the bad guy? Hopefully they won't repossess his mouse ears.