Sunday, January 20, 2008

Strike Two on the Red Iguana

Made two trips to the airport providing shuttle service, on the last one back, I took a wrong exit and found a shortcut to the hotel that would have saved me a lot of time had I known about it earlier—which delightfully had only one stoplight, which was green. Made plans to go to the Red Iguana for dinner. Make another run to the airport just before 9 p.m. and noted that the Red Iguana was still open with a line out front. Dropped Bob at the airport to pick up a rental car then Quackgrass and I zipped back over to the Red Iguana to get in line for a table. Arrived to find the place had closed. Strike Two. Bob said he will try again tomorrow so we had a dandy dinner at Denny’s where the high-on-caffeine salt and pepper crowned platter princess batted her eyes at Bob and said, “It’s okay, Honey, I didn’t charge you for that second orange juice,” as she rubbed her hand down his arm.”

As she took his credit card to the cash register, I said, “See, I told you she was flirting with you.” When she returned with the meal receipt she craftily told him she was just going off duty knowing he was going out the door soon, too. I told him, “It’s cold outside, she’s looking for somebody to keep her warm,” and Bob said, “She’s going to stay cold,” as he quickly put on his coat and exited the building with Quackgrass and I flanking him. (We always watch out for our friends!)


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