Saturday, January 19, 2008

First Bite of Elephant

In the meeting, ideas flying, the project begins to take on a new life with the synergy of creative people, diverse backgrounds, differing viewpoints. I’m seeing the job before me growing, becoming more complex. At times I’m near panic. I just have to make myself remember that I don’t have to eat the whole elephant at one sitting. I’ll just bite off a chunk and try to get it down before I take another bite. Later Quackgrass asked me which end of the elephant I intended to begin eating on first. Mid-morning I announced we would be going to the Red Iguana for dinner as I had made a reservation. At noon called to confirm the reservation at the Red Iguana…They didn’t get it written down and we can’t get in, so will have to eat somewhere else.


We finally took a break after a full morning of discussing this project. I snuck over to the room and called my husband back on the ranch in Montana. I said “I think I’m out of my field of expertise. I feel like a wild oat in a field of alfalfa. I have a professor on one side, outstanding scholars and historians, and award-winning directors and teachers surrounding me in this room.” And he said, “Don’t worry, honey, you’re not wild oats, you’re just Quackgrass, you’ll do just fine.


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