Saturday, May 3, 2008

Our Cast is In Place

Bob and I have made the final decisions on our cast and I had both the joy of calling students to tell them they have been selected, and the difficult task of telling others they won't be able to travel with us. Our decisions were based on so many factors.... In some cases we wanted a kid who was tall, or perhaps short; we wanted one who was funny, or serious; we wanted one who had never traveled, or who had been to many areas of the country; we wanted kids in top physical shape, and those who may not be. In a nutshell, we wanted real diversity in our cast. We have an equal number of boys and girls all between the ages of 12 and 17.

To those of you who were not chosen for the cast....we loved your interest, enthusiasm, and talent. I just wish we could take all of you on the trail, but, alas, our space and resources are limited.


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